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Oh My Posh can display the availability of an update, or auto update itself when enabled by adding the following to your configuration.

"upgrade": {
"notice": true,
"interval": "168h",
"auto": false,
"source": "cdn"

Auto upgrade will never upgrade major versions. This is to avoid introducing breaking changes without explicit user acknowledgement.

noticebooleanfalseenable displaying the upgrade notice on shell start, only checks based on interval
autobooleanfalseautomatically update Oh My Posh when an update is found, only checks based on interval
intervalstring24hthe duration for which not to check for an update. The duration is a string in the format 1h2m3s and is parsed using the [time.ParseDuration] function from the Go standard library
sourcestringcdnwhere to fetch the information from. Accepted values are cdn ( and github (



While you can always follow the upgrade steps listed under the installation section, you can also use the upgrade command to update Oh My Posh to the latest version.

oh-my-posh upgrade


oh-my-posh enable upgrade